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AI-powered race crew simulator for enhanced SimRacing experience.

About the Client

Our client is an experienced racing pilot who wanted to transfer his real-life racing knowledge to the virtual world, enhancing the SimRacing experience for new and experienced drivers. This client discovered Whitesmith through ChatGPT while searching for tech companies in Portugal. Impressed by our swift response and valuable insights on improving his existing concept, the client appreciated the collaborative process that started even before a formal agreement was in place.


Whitesmith collaborated with the client to create an innovative AI-powered race crew simulator. The goal was to enhance the player experience by providing realistic, AI-driven crew interactions that would help improve players’ skills and immerse them in an authentic racing environment. Through a desktop application, players gain access to a team of specialized AI assistants, each meticulously designed to replicate real-world race crew members’ expertise and decision-making processes. From improving vehicle setups for specific tracks to developing race-winning strategies, the AI assistants provide personalized advice that adapts to each player's skill level and racing style. In this project, we also explored two other possibilities: how to interact with the simulator through voice and the capabilities of the models to analyze telemetry and interpret data.

Services Delivered

AI Engineering

  • Test different LLM models
  • Prompt engineering for each AI assistant

Proof of Concept Development

  • Build AI assistants to assess and validate the quality of the output
  • Develop a tool to analyze telemetry data and evaluate the models’ abilities

Product Strategy

  • Opportunity Solution Tree
  • Identify the right opportunities to tackle
  • Specify what to build to validate our assumptions

“Working with Whitesmith has been a great and rewarding experience. Rafael, Board Director, provided invaluable technical advice, while Luis, the project manager, kept me regularly updated and maintained open lines of communication about all project steps.”

João Fernandes, the Founder at RaceCrewAI


SimRacing, particularly in platforms like iRacing, can be daunting for newcomers. The complexity and depth present several challenges that can hinder a beginner’s progress and enjoyment:

— The learning curve is steep, often leaving beginners feeling like they’re spinning their wheels. As players progress, the solitary nature of the game can create a disconnect from the team-oriented spirit of real-world motorsports.

— Car tuning for different tracks is another hurdle that new players struggle to clear. They often lack the knowledge, experience, and ability to act on collected data.

— After each lap, having to stop to write down their impressions of the track and car takes time, breaks immersion and drops the concentration level. This break often meant that any feedback collected in this pause was not actionable in the next lap due to this break of immersion.

— The amount of telemetry data provided by iRacing is huge — with more than 300 variables changing several times per second - making it scary for new drivers: Which variables should they focus on? Which information should they be looking for? What are they trying to understand? Without proper guidance and support, tackling telemetry data can result in a frustrating experience that is not translated into improved lap times.


To tackle the steep learning curve and solitary nature of SimRacing, particularly in iRacing, we built a team of sophisticated AI assistants that mirror the expertise and support of a professional race crew.

Leveraging our client’s knowledge, we crafted distinct AI personas, each representing a key role within a race team. We focused on meticulous prompt engineering, multi-model validation for consistent responses, and implemented adaptive conversations covering race strategy, car setup, and performance improvement. The result? A dynamic learning environment that evolves with each player’s skill level and racing style.

We integrated these AI crew members into a user-friendly Windows application, enabling natural, conversational interactions between players and their virtual crew. This mimics the real-time communication professional drivers experience with their teams during races.

“Their expertise in AI engineering and product strategy has truly elevated this project. I'm thrilled with the results and have recommended Whitesmith to others in my network.”

João Fernandes, the Founder at RaceCrewAI

After launching this first Proof of concept, we needed to enhance the immersion experience and improve the ease of use. We incorporated advanced speech-to-text and text-to-speech capabilities, allowing players to communicate with their AI crew using voice commands for a more immersive experience.

We also wanted to test if it would be possible to simulate the role of professional telemetrist, so we tested the model to analyze telemetry data and provide the players with actionable insights helping them make informed decisions to improve their performance on the track.


The first step towards the public validation resulted in a desktop application available on the Microsoft Store, featuring three AI assistants ready to guide new SimRacers on their journey. It  had the following results:

— Less than 1% of negative messages out of over 2000 generated messages

— More than 50 customers eager to pay before the first release

Other key achievements include:

— Validated concept and working proof of concept: We've successfully demonstrated the viability and potential of AI-assisted SimRacing, paving the way for future innovations

— Advanced AI assistants: Our application boasts three distinct AI personas, each capable of providing nuanced, strategic advice and performance feedback, mirroring the expertise of professional race crew members

— Voice integration proof of concept: We've successfully validated voice command functionality, opening up new possibilities for hands-free, immersive interaction between racers and their AI crew

— Telemetry analysis proof of concept: We've demonstrated the potential for AI-driven analysis of racing telemetry, offering players data-backed insights to enhance their performance

In essence, we've laid a solid foundation for the future of AI-enhanced SimRacing experiences.
Our ongoing involvement will focus on integrating the validated proofs-of-concept into the desktop application, making it available to a wide range of customers. This will allow us to keep receiving feedback and iterate on the product; ensuring it meets and exceeds the evolving needs of the SimRacing community.

Our goal is to help our client achieve his vision of having a complete AI Racing crew simulator, covering all aspects of a team, from a Social Media advisor to a Weather expert, that will help the driver prepare their next race independently from the atmospheric conditions.






AI Engineering

Proof of Concept development

Product Strategy

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